Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8th update

Taylor had a great day, as he took some of his investigators to the place of the restoration of the priesthood. He said it was a powerful experience as they had a prayer, and the spirit was so strong. He said they really felt the spirit and it made him think how special it was to be able to take their investigators to the exact spot where the priesthood was restored. It was a great day!

The primary children brought them a Christmas tree, and they were touched by this sweet jesture. His whole district is going to his place for a sleep over on Christmas Eve. He said it will be a Christmas to Remember!

He said he has seen more miracles this last couple of months then he has seen in his whole mission. He is loving the work, and seeing the hand of the Lord in the work.

His address is Elder Taylor Russell
1234 Main Street apt. #3
Peckville, PA 18452
Thanks for all your love and support!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Scranton News from Dec. 1st

Taylor writes that they had another productive and sucessful week. they had their first Stake President Correlation meeting with President Dunford. He said it was an awesome meeting and he learned so much about how the Church really works. He thinks President Dunford and President Pugh are some of the finest men he has ever had the opportunity to know.

They were fortunate enough to be invited to the Petersons for Thanksgiving, who are an older couple that have a beautiful home up in the mountains. During dinner, there were 10 deer and 10 wild turkeys that showed up and stood right up next to the house. He said they played a little football with the other 6 missionaries from his area and the investigators the "Rays". They are still working towards their baptismal date on the 20th of December.

He went out on exchange with the zone leaders up in Montrose...(which is up on the New York border). He said that part of the mission really struggles, as there are few people to teach. This is where the restoration site is. After their work, they had set a family with a date and taught 6 other lessons, and found 6 new gators!!! He said they were really blessed and excited about the progress.

He gets to call in 3 weeks, and we are really excited to hear his voice, and hopefully share in some more sweet experiences. He sounds like a changed man, and is actively involved in a great cause. He would love to hear from everyone for Christmas.

His address is: Elder Taylor Russell
1234 Main St apt. 3
Peckville, Pa 18452